Политика конфиденциальности

The Privacy Policy is for information purposes, which means that it is not a source of obligations for the Users of the Website https://www.boll.pl/




This privacy policy describes the rules for dealing with personal data as part of the website https://www.boll.pl, hereinafter referred to as the "Website"



Data Administrator - means Agencja Handlową "BOLL" Wojciech Dalewski Spółka Jawna with its registered office in Zielona Góra at ul. Chemiczna 3, 65-713 Zielona Góra, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Zielona Góra, 8th Commercial Department of the National Court Register under the KRS number: 0000034509, NIP [Tax Identification Number]: 929-000-11-70, REGON [Business Statistical Number]: 970679600000, hereinafter referred to as BOLL;

Device - means an electronic device through which the User gains access to the Website;

User - a natural person who is over 18 years of age and has full legal capacity, a legal person or an organisational unit without legal personality, but who may acquire rights and incur liabilities on the User's behalf using the Website;

Website - https://www.boll.pl/.

Contact with the Data Administrator is possible at the following e-mail address: rodo@boll.pl or by phone: +48 451 99 99.

Each entity using the Website is its User.

Personal data of the Website User is processed by the Data Administrator in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (O.J.UE.L No. 119, p. 1), hereinafter: "GDPR", the Act of 10 May 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data (O.J. of 2018, item 1000) and other currently applicable legal provisions regarding the protection of personal data.

The use of the Website is only possible after reading the provisions of this Privacy Policy.




The User may transfer his/her personal data using:

the contact form that is available on the Website;

the partner zone through online order realisation at the address http://online.boll.pl.

Personal data will be processed in order to enable the User to use the Website for becoming familiar with the scope of BOLL services, which is the legitimate interest of BOLL (legal basis: Art. 6 section 1 letter f) of the GDPR).

Personal data provided on the contact form will be processed on the basis of Art. 6 section 1 letter a) of the GDPR (consent of the User) in order to contact the User in the matter described by the User in the content of the form (e.g. inquiries regarding the activities of the Data Administrator). The data may be processed until the matter is resolved and completed, or until the consent to the processing of personal data by the User is withdrawn.

Depending on the content provided in the contact form, the data may also be processed for a longer period than the termination of the contact pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter b) of the GDPR in order to implement the concluded contract.

Personal data is processed for analytical and statistical purposes: for the purpose of statistics of visits to the Website allowing for improving business activity, selection of services to the needs of Users and optimisation of products, ensuring the security of information processing and management of IT systems, which is the legitimate interest of the Data Administrator (legal basis: Art. 6 section 1 letter f) of the GDPR).

Personal data is also processed to handle complaints, which is necessary to fulfil the legal obligation of the Data Administrator (legal basis: Art. 6 section 1 letter c) of the GDPR).

Personal data is processed for archival purposes (evidence) to secure information in the event of a legal need to prove facts (for possible determination, investigation and defence against claims), which is the legitimate interest of the Data Administrator (legal basis: Art. 6 section 1 letter f) of the GDPR).

Providing data is always voluntary, but necessary for the User to take the action for which the given form is intended.

Personal data is collected with due diligence and properly protected against access by unauthorised persons.

The recipient of the User's personal data will be persons authorised by the Data Administrator to process personal data as part of performing their duties, and entities to which the Data Controller commissions the activities for which he or she requires data processing (processing entities).

The User's personal data will not be processed in an automated manner and will not be profiled.

BOLL does not intend to transfer your personal data to third countries or international organisations.




The website processes Users' personal data in accordance with applicable law, in particular in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Data and in accordance with the GDPR.

When processing personal data, BOLL Users are guided by the following rules:

Adequacy rule: Only data that is necessary to achieve a given processing objective is processed;

Transparency rule: The User has the right to have full knowledge of what is happening with his/her personal data;

Regularity rule: BOLL makes efforts to ensure that Users' personal data processed on the Website is current and truthful. If the User determines that his/her personal data has not been updated by BOLL or is incorrect, he/she is asked to contact the Data Administrator;

Integrity and confidentiality rule: BOLL applies the necessary measures to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of personal data. Security covers physical and technological means limiting access to personal data and protecting against loss of personal data;

Accountability rule: BOLL strives in its actions to allow for the settlement of every action performed on personal data.




The User has the following rights resulting from the GDPR:

the right to information, to request access to data, rectification, deletion or limitation of processing,

the right to object to the processing,

the right to transfer data,

the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data for a specific purpose, if the User previously gave such consent,

the right to submit a complaint directly to the supervisory body - the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warszawa, tel. +48 22 531 03 00, e-mail: kancelaria@uodo.gov.pl.

In order to implement the above rights, the User should contact the Data Administrator by sending a relevant message in writing to the BOLL address indicated at the beginning of the Privacy Policy or via e-mail to the following e-mail address: rodo@boll.pl.

The exercise of User's rights is in principle free. The User will not have to pay a fee for exercising the right of access to his/her personal data (or for the performance of any other rights). The Data Administrator may, however, charge a reasonable fee if the User's request is manifestly unjustified or excessive, in particular due to their permanent nature. In such cases, the data Administrator may also refuse to comply with the User's request.

BOLL endeavours to respond to all legitimate demands within one month. If the User's request is particularly complicated, or the User has made several requests, it may take longer than a month to recognise them.

In this case, BOLL will inform the User about the extension of the deadline and will provide current information regarding the User's request.




All personal data collected by BOLL is protected using the necessary technical and organisational measures and security procedures in order to protect it against unauthorised access or use. Entities affiliated with BOLL, trusted partners and external service providers are required to manage personal data in accordance with the security and privacy requirements adopted by BOLL.

The protection of personal data by BOLL is carried out using the necessary technical and organisational measures to prevent its loss, destruction and damage, and unlawful processing.

In connection with the implementation of the Privacy Policy, BOLL: takes care of the correct and lawful processing of personal data, obtained only for specific purposes and not further processed in a manner inconsistent with these purposes, secure storage for no longer than necessary and processed in accordance with the rights of the persons concerned, including the right to reserve access.

The website performs the function of obtaining information about Users and their behaviour in the following manner:

by voluntarily entering of information by the User in the contact form;

by saving "cookies" files to terminal devices;

by collecting web server logs by the hosting operator.



The website collects information provided voluntarily by the User.

The website can also save information about the connection parameters (time stamp, IP address).

The data in the contact form is not made available to third parties without the User's consent.

The data provided in the contact form is processed for the purpose resulting from the function of the specific form.



On behalf of the data Administrator, the sphere of personal data processing is supervised by the Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted at: rodo@boll.pl or by sending correspondence to the following address: Agencja Handlowa "BOLL" Wojciech Dalewski Spółka Jawna, ul. Chemiczna 3, 65-713 Zielona Góra with the note "Data Protection Officer".




The Privacy Policy may be changed or updated by BOLL.

Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be posted on the Website: https://www.boll.pl/


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